Our movie database
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In cinemas starting June 6, 2025
From the World of John Wick: Ballerina (2025)
A movie starring Ana de Armas, Keanu Reeves and Ian McShane
Explore the thrilling journey of a former ballerina turned contract killer in "Ballerina," a gripping spin-off of the "John Wick" universe. Witness her quest for revenge set between the events of the third and fourth installments.
In cinemas starting January 24, 2025
Flight Risk (2025)
A movie starring Mark Wahlberg, Topher Grace and Michelle Dockery
A pilot transports an Air Marshal accompanying a fugitive to trial. As they go across the Alaskan wilderness, tensions soar and trust is tested as not everyone on board is who they seem.
The Painted
A movie starring Aleksa Palladino, Sean Bridgers and Jadon Cal
When Evelyn Elster inherits her estranged cousin's fortune she thinks her family has finally gotten the break they've needed. Little do they know they've not only inherited her cousin's riches, but also a family curse, and must do whatever they can to avoid becoming its latest victims.
I Am Legend 2
A movie starring Will Smith and Michael B. Jordan
In cinemas starting January 31, 2025
Companion (2025)
A movie starring Sophie Thatcher, Jack Quaid and Lukas Gage
Hey you. Tired of swiping? Sick of getting ghosted? Are you feeling like a part of you is missing? FindYourCompanion.com is guaranteed to find you a Companion who’s made for you.
The Price of Money: A Largo Winch Adventure
A movie starring Tomer Sisley, James Franco and Clotilde Hesme
After the brutal kidnapping of his 15-year-old son Noom, billionaire Largo Winch realizes that he and his corporate empire have become the target of a devastating intrigue. The search for Noom leads Largo on an adventurous journey around the globe: from the Canadian forests to the mines of Burma to Bangkok. But to uncover the truth, he must confront the demons of his past...