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Available on February 5, 2025 starting Netflix
Kinda Pregnant (2025)
A movie starring Amy Schumer, Damon Wayans Jr. and Jillian Bell
The story follows Lainy, who, being jealous of her best friend's pregnancy, begins to wear a false pregnant belly - and accidentally gets to meet the man of her dreams.
In cinemas starting March 21, 2025
The Alto Knights (2025)
A movie starring Robert De Niro, Debra Messing and Kathrine Narducci
Italian-American crime bosses Vito Genovese and Frank Costello run their respective families during the 20th century. In 1957, Genovese moves to assassinate Costello.
Available on February 13, 2025 starting Prime Video
My Fault: London (2025)
A movie starring Asha Banks, Matthew Broome and Eve Macklin
When Noah's mother, Ella, falls in love with the very wealthy William, the two move from America to London to live with William and his son Nick. Upon arrival, the 18-year-old Noah meets bad boy Nick, and there is an immediate attraction between the two.
In cinemas starting February 10, 2025
Attack on Titan: The Last Attack (2025)
A movie starring Yuki Kaji, Yui Ishikawa and Marina Inoue
Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK brings together the last two episodes of the highly acclaimed anime series in the franchise’s first-ever theatrical experience delivering the epic finale in a colossal-sized omnibus film.
A movie starring Karoline Herfurth, Emilia Schüle and Nora Tschirner
The main thing is sexy - no matter whether thin, fat, what skin color, young, old, we can all be sexy in different ways. Almost every woman grows up having to work on herself in order to remain desirable ... (more)
Nightbitch (2024)
A movie starring Amy Adams, Scoot McNairy and Ella Thomas
A woman, thrown into the stay-at-home routine of raising a toddler in the suburbs, slowly embraces the feral power deeply rooted in motherhood, as she becomes increasingly aware of the bizarre and undeniable signs that she may be turning into a dog.